Privacy policy

Kids Readables is an application created by Dynamic Education LLC, a company committed to helping kids learn. This webpage explains our privacy and security commitments in understandable language.


What data we collect and how we use it

Dynamic Education is committed to protecting the information of our users, including students, teachers, and parents. We only collect data necessary for the function of our learning applications, such as your name, contact information, your login, and which books your kids are reading on the application. We do not collect unnecessary personal information, nor do we sell any data or third parties. Data is collected to provide access to our products, manage subscriptions, and send confirmations. The application does not allow students to communicate or identify each others’ information in the application. Dynamic Education reserves the right to share your information to comply with laws, regulations, legal processes, court orders, or subpoenas, as required by law, under certain conditions. Some required information will also be passed between Apple or Google in connection with the functionality of the Readables application and subscriptions. We do not sell data to advertisers and only collect cookies via our web provider as required to analyze web traffic statistics.


When we collect data and how long we will keep it

Data is collected in the application when you create an account, sign up for a subscription, and read books or use stickers. This data is necessary for the functionality of the app and to handle payment processing. We retain personal information that we collect for as long as is needed to provide access to and functionality of services and products. We take steps to delete personal information when functionality of services and products is and will not be reasonably necessary or if you request us to delete your information. We may retain some personal information as required by legal and regulatory requirements or to resolve disputes. You have the right to request a copy of your personal information that we have.


Data Hosting and Transfers

We use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host our data. AWS is a leading provider of these services and takes data privacy and security seriously. For Further information on AWS’ practices, please see their webpages here: and


Since we rely on AWS for data hosting, your data may be saved and transferred to databases in another country. By consenting to the collection of your data, you consent to your data being saved and transferred as required for this functionality.



Dynamic Education LLC reserves the right to change and update this Privacy Policy to comply with changing privacy laws and company services. Significant changes will be communicated to active users of our services. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us via our Contact Us page.

Can be found here (